Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eighteen :D

// Wrote this like ages back! Thanks tony for reminding me I can write :) It sounds like I am a 2 yr old //

Money in my purse doesn’t just go ching

A few hundreds are actually seen!

There are times when I think

Thank God I am eighteen!

With teen controversies, life’s not simple

World seems so hostile and mean

Calories, hair, and those wretched pimples

Oh god! Why am I eighteen?

Permanent driving license

Voting rights, damn clean!

Head and heart full of sense

Thank God I am eighteen!

Younger brother who is smarter

Reduce fat, become lean

Still want to be a dad’s daughter

Oh god! Why am I eighteen?

I am an adult now, I decide

Thank God I am eighteen!

But why do I feel like a child inside?

Oh god! Why am I eighteen?


Tony Sebastian said...

why u stopped writing i have no idea!

shana said...

that was cute :)