I read this sentence in this book "Mr God This is Anna - Fynn".. Your eyes are like windows. God makes u cry, when there is a lot of dirt accumulated on the windows. Tears help wash off the dirt and see sunshine.It probably is true.. I always feel better after I cry.
u fin crying? happy now? [:)]
Hmm dont know abt tht...never really opened the flood-gates yet...but if it makes u feel good, then u shud definitely do it
U cry? :D
@ tony..
Hmm... my eyes must be getting clouded very easily nowadays.. dont knw why or who ends up making me clear the dirt with the tears so often now...
@ vinu..
Yea it does.. and a secret.. its not uncool for guys to cry.. so u shud try it some time
@ dushy
ahem.. i m human!
hey! i love ur posts! how come u dont blog anymore? :(
Crying can be so satisfying.. it is like most things in life. It hurts so much when it is happening, but once it is done, you are a better person for it. KC
May be you did not know that crying has a direct biological relation with the soothing of your emotional feelings. That's why you feel better post crying. Most people think that its human to cry. But actually it is being "alive" to cry. Only difference being other living beings do not cry like we do.
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